I got this church outfit for Jonathan for him to wear at his blessing. It is size 3-6 months. I figured he had grown out of it, but it fits practically perfect. If I ever buy that brand again, I know to guess about 12 months small.
Friday, August 26, 2011
For Sale
I got this church outfit for Jonathan for him to wear at his blessing. It is size 3-6 months. I figured he had grown out of it, but it fits practically perfect. If I ever buy that brand again, I know to guess about 12 months small.
Madison County Fair
We went to the County Fair last weekend. There was supposed to be a rodeo at noon, but it was just some kids roping calves trying to qualify for a bigger rodeo in Nevada. I guess the big rodeo was the night before. It was a bit disappointing. Edmund and I had really been looking forward to it, better luck next year. We took Jonathan through the holding area and looked at all the chickens, roosters, pigeons, and rabbits. I saw the biggest rabbit I have ever seen in my life. It was at least as twice as big as the other rabbits. We saw the sheep and a couple of horses and a bunch of Holstein calves, and then we saw the big cows, and Jonathan went crazy. It is a toss up whether he shrieks, giggles, kicks, and gestures more for cows or cats.
The day before I went to CAL-Ranch and got Jonathan a cowboy hat. He was such a charming cowboy baby. An older gentleman came over and took his picture and wanted to know where we had gotten such a great hat.
While we were in the big barn area they were having the auction. We saw a couple of kids (9-10) who were selling their pigs. The girl did an accidental flip over her pig when it got spooked. It was pretty funny, she just got up and went after it with her little pig poking stick. The pig sold for over $600. I was impressed. The last animal we saw auctioned off was a big cow. It was the cutest cow I've ever seen. It was dark gray like a cat with a scrunched up pig nose. The little cowboy did a nice job showing it, and it sold for $2,200. I was very impressed. I wish Jonathan could have the chance to do something like that. It was really neat.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Edmund and I have been married for three years! Hooray! It has been the best three years of my life. I love being married, and I'm loving having a beautiful little family with Edmund at its head. I'm glad that I have all eternity to look forward to. Since Mom and Dad were here, we went up to the gardens, and Dad took our annual anniversary picture. (We got an anniversary book from one of my friends parents for our wedding.) The gardens were beautiful. They get better every year.
Dad has been wanting to learn how to make books. It is definitely something that you need to have a class in or at least a demonstration. There are lots of little picky details that won't show up in a book. So, while Mom and Dad were here we decided that making a book would be a fun thing to do in the evening after little Jonathan went to bed. We made a case bound book, and it was a lot of fun! I had forgotten how relaxing it can be to just focus on cutting, folding, sewing, and gluing. It was fantastic to see how different everyone's book turned out. They were all beautiful!
More Harriman and Mesa Falls
Here are some more pictures of Harriman State Park. My mom and I saw a pelican. I had never seen one before in the wild, and it was really cool. Mom and I had fun hiking a couple of trails close to the Snake River. It was moving so slow that Mom and I thought it was a lake that went on forever! Jonathan seemed to like the baby backpack, but he would have liked to crawl in the dirt even better. Dad and Edmund went fishing, but didn't have any luck. It has been a sad fishing season this year. We had TONS of extra water from rain and snow.
Mesa Falls and Harriman State Park
I took a Moms and Tots class with Jonathan this summer. It was really fun. I'm glad that Rexburg finally decided to build a pool. It is so nice and new! Jonathan loves the water. He was a little nervous when we first started the class, but he got used to it super quickly. He loves kicking his feet and holding on to a noodle and sitting on the edge and falling into my arms. The class was really disorganized, so except for ten minutes at the beginning where we sang songs, it was just a free play time. I know Jonathan looked forward to it everyday. He got pretty excited about the bottle of sunscreen. I'm glad that Mom was able to come down during one of the days we had the class because I wouldn't have gotten pictures otherwise.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Edmund's friend Filip and his girlfriend Talia came to visit us this past weekend. Filip has been living in London and Edmund hadn't seen him in over two years. It was so nice of him to extend his trip all the way down to Idaho. We went bridge jumping on Saturday. Actually, Edmund, Filip, and Talia went jumping. I was very content to watch from the side with Jonathan, but we had a nice time later swimming in a shallow part of the river below a small waterfall. Even Jonathan loved it. I was very surprised. He gets more comfortable with new things everyday.
Filip brought Jonathan Dr. Suess's Red Fish Blue Fish and Converse to match. They are so cute. I can't wait until little Jonny grows into them.
Ivor came over on Saturday night, and all the Canadian boys were together again. They seemed unable to smile naturally for a picture, but this is the least goonish of the bunch.
Rocking Chair
Jonathan loves playing peek-a-boo and hide and go seek. He could probably chase Edmund and I around the couch for hours. He loves it when we hide behind something and suddenly pop out. He has an almost hysterical giggle and just begs us to do it again. When we say, "Peek-a-boo!" He covers his ears. I don't think he wants to cover his eyes: he might miss something.