Thursday, March 12, 2015


We have been having a volcano phase lately. David is a lover of volcanoes. We've been checking out at least three books on volcanoes every week from the library. David loves the fire, and he is always saying that the volcano burned things up. He knows about magma and lava and ash and earthquakes. He just loves them. Tuesday, I wanted to make a volcano with the boys. Then, I thought to myself, why not invite the neighbors and do it outside. Jonathan and I made play dough (I used 12 cups of flour!) and then we made red water and mixed in some dish soap. We took out some soda cans and vinegar and baking soda and water and play dough and made some very cool volcanoes. We learned that the more baking soda you use the bigger the blast. The volcanoes turned out very soda can shaped, but they were still very impressive. After we were done, the neighbor mom brought out Rice Krispies. Very yummy!

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