Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Caleb Turns 1!

 Caleb is just so cute and sweet, I just want to gobble him up! He says, "I did it", "Amen" (he folds his arms too.), "Dad", "Mom", "this", "that", "cat", "dog". He does baby signs for "airplane," "more", and "down." He isn't walking, but he is climbing! he gets up on the couch and up on the big boys beds, and he climbs up and down the stairs like a pro. He is still cuddly and loves giving big wet kisses. He wants to be wherever Jonathan and David are and does not like to be left out! He also wants to make as much noise as possible so he is never forgotten. Lately, he just yells and screams for fun while we are driving around. Jonathan and David say, "Be quiet, Caleb," or "Shhhhhh!" Caleb says, "Shhhhhhh!" right back, laughs, and starts screaming again. 

 Jonathan and David got magnifying glasses. They love walking around looking at all the bugs crawling around outside. There was a couple of days when all the winged ants were out, and the boys spent all day outside finding "queens."

Gotta have lots of dessert on your birthday! The cupcakes we ate after breakfast, I think. Jonathan picked out the icecream for dessert after dinner.

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