Wednesday, October 19, 2016


 We visited the Historic Dockyard in Portsmouth. We loved walking around the old ships and learning so much about their history. They had people inside that could answer any question. It was hard to imagine actually living in one of those ships as a sailor: working, eating, sleeping, fighting,  in such a small space with the same people! I don't think I could do it. It was crazy how they had everything stored. Their hammocks were above the tables where they ate, and the holes they shot cannons were between the tables. We also got to see the Mary Rose one of Henry the 8th ships that sunk in the harbor. What a fascinating window into people's lives back then.

 We took a harbor tour on a little boat and saw England's current navy.

 Before we left Portsmouth we visited the pebble beach. It was so cool. Little rocks, millions of little rocks.

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